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Normal mode Reversed mode
Benevolent, Bold, Cognitive, Commanding, Conceptual, Decisive, Discoverer, Enthusiastic, Extrovert, Exuberant, Flexible, Freewheeling, Gluttonous, Ideational, Illative, Impassioned, Incorrigible, Inductive, Insatiable, Intellectual, Leader, Loner, Never-the-same, Open-ended, Outgoing, Outspoken, Over-imaginative, Passionate, Private, Romantic, Sci-tech, Scientific, Secluded, Self-assertive, Shameless, Speculative, Spontaneous, Systematic, Talkative, Technically-minded, Theoretical, Ungregarious, Unsociable, Visionary [44].  NOT Affable, NOT Affectionate, NOT Always-the-same, NOT Audacious, NOT Careful, NOT Certain, NOT Closemouthed, NOT Concrete, NOT Conformist, NOT Consistent, NOT Constant, NOT Covetous, NOT Definite, NOT Doubtless, NOT Dutiful, NOT Ebullient, NOT Ecstatic, NOT Effervescent, NOT Exact, NOT Fanciful, NOT Fickle, NOT Fictive, NOT Frigid, NOT Gushy, NOT Harum-scarum, NOT Limber, NOT Lovey-dovey, NOT Matter-of-fact, NOT Maudlin, NOT Mawkish, NOT Meticulous, NOT Mushy, NOT Orderly, NOT Pell-mell, NOT Physical, NOT Recluse, NOT Regular, NOT Reserved, NOT Shy, NOT Sociable, NOT Soft-hearted, NOT Sympathetic, NOT Taciturn, NOT Thoughtless, NOT Timid, NOT Undeviating, NOT Uniform, NOT Unimpassioned, NOT Unromantic, NOT Unswerving, NOT Unsystematic, NOT Whimsical, NOT Woolgatherer [53]. 
The recommended number of selections for each mode is 60-90.

E/I choice (E - Extraversion, I - Introversion, x - Undefined)
Normal mode Reversed mode Combined mode

S/N choice (S - Sensation, N - Intuition, x - Undefined)
Normal mode Reversed mode Combined mode

F/T choice (F - Feeling, T - Thinking, x - Undefined)
Normal mode Reversed mode Combined mode

J/P choice (j - Judgement, p - Perception, x - Undefined)
Normal mode Reversed mode Combined mode
conscious unconscious conscious unconscious conscious unconscious

Scoring factor
Normal mode Reversed mode Combined mode
0.71  0.72  0.72 
The Scoring factor shows how much you are aware of your type and/or the testing procedure. Anything close to and above 0.8 is considered high and could interfere with authenticity of the test outcome.

Normal mode Reversed mode Combined mode
Further analysis of the results shows a possibility that your type could be a judging type. This summarises your type as one of the following (in alphabetical order):

ENTj a.k.a. Logical-Intuitive Extratim "The Pioneer",
ENTp a.k.a. Intuitive-Logical Extratim "The Inventor".

Although the test results show that your type could be either of the above, you think it is:

ENTp a.k.a. Intuitive-Logical Extratim "The Inventor".

Extended summary
By preference By function MBTI® Type Dynamics
If your type is ENTp a.k.a. Intuitive-Logical Extratim "The Inventor", you are confident and concrete regarding your ability to recognise common tendencies and possibilities, creative and inventive regarding your understanding of how things work, delicate and insecure regarding how excited others are about you, and you wish to have a clear perception and consistency regarding the necessities and sensations of your body.

Compatibility (marriage, family, friendship, partnership, etc.)
Types best suitable for ENTp Degree of psychological comfort
ISFp - "The Peacemaker"
ENTp - "The Inventor"
ESFj - "The Enthusiast"
INTj - "The Analyst" 
*  *  *  *
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*  *
*  *  *  *  - "Relations of Duality". The partners usually appear to be very different in every respect and yet have almost ungraspable similarity, as if they were the two opposite sides of the same coin. These relations can provide a complete psychological supplement and could easily be the most favourable and comfortable of all intertype relations.

*  *  *  - "Identical Relations". The partners usually appear to be very similar in every respect, having similar perceptions, views and often even tastes. These relations can offer the partners much deeper understanding of each other's hopes and intentions but may be of little help when the partners have to deal with the similar problems they have.

*  *  - "Relations of Activity". The partners are naturally able to fire up and motivate each other into mutual activity, which with prolonged interaction may over-stimulate and drain the partners. These relations are usually an easy starter and could be very pleasant and fun, best suitable for short leisure breaks and undemanding relationships.

*  - "Mirror Relations". The partners can often amaze and surprise each other with an interesting and unexpectedly original way of thinking or dealing with things. However, the surprises can be as amazing as they can be bewildering. These relations can often help the partners to realise their creative potential, but not without the cost of a good argument.

NOTE: Intertype compatibility only shows the compatibility between the psychological types of people. The compatibility between actual individuals however, consists of many different factors, including the intertype compatibility. The best compatibility does not necessarily imply mutual attraction.


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