The Dandelion
The dandelion sees the magic of the
world and is aloft in an
overwhelming sense of union with the
beauty of the universe. This is
often translated into a fluency with
the language, a poetic sensibility
and an ability to see beyond the
measure of the day to day. The inner
beauty of the animate world often
preoccupies the Dandelion, a sense
that there is a union in all the
life forms of nature.
Because of the ever-present reality
of the abstract world, a dandelion
may often seem to be living in a
higher realm, or to be
not-of-this-earth. Prone to fantasy
and the imagination, Dandelion
children often create entire legions
of imaginary playmates. In an adult
this can on occasion lead a
Dandelion to imagine interior lives
for friends and associates that are
near-complete fabrications based on
the Dandelion's fears or hopes for
the future.