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Organisational Transformation Requires the Presence of Leaders who are Strategists and Magicians David Rooke (1997) Organisations and People, vol 4.3 |
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I was recently in discussion with a group of senior managers planning a culture change initiative in their research organisation. I asked them "Do you think it is possible to significantly change the culture of an organisation?". "Without doubt", they replied, "and furthermore, it is our responsibility to do so". This confidence is not unusual; there is a broad belief among managers that far reaching strategic change can be achieved by careful design. But can it? Many change programmes patently fail, so much so that one of the highest levels of cynicism in organisations is about 'flavour of the month initiatives'. In this paper I explore the proposition that many senior managers lack the capacity to conceive, plan and implement change to a degree which is transformational, that this has to do with the meaning making structure of the manager, and that as this capacity is developable, it is possible for managers to embark on a type of learning which will enable them to purposefully create particular types of organisational culture. Developing capacity Second, there are many reasons why change initiatives fail. Perhaps most pervasive is the sheer complexity of attempting to steer change in the chaotic and unstable world of organisations. The 'lack of capacity' in managers serves to compound this complexity, but even if all managers had capacity many change initiatives would still fall short of what was desired of them. 'Capacity' in common use often refers to a person's intellectual ability, ("he hasn't the brains to understand that") or to their stamina and tenacity ("she has the guts to deliver that project"). To these common usages can be added emotional capacity (the ability to relate healthily at an emotional level to the world), the moral capacity to treat other beings with respect, the capacity for humour, the capacity to love, and the capacity to engage in a spiritual life. As the list of capacities grows something interesting happens. We move from bottom line capacities, to analyse and to deliver, to other perhaps higher areas; to act morally, to love. All of these capacities are vital and yet I am proposing that there is a broad and fundamental capacity which underpins and influences all of these. This is the capacity to meaning make, not in a narrow analytic, intellectual way but in a holistic way which creates each persons' worldview or view-of-the-world-outside-of-me. Meaning making and developmental stages
What follows is an example of different meaning making in two managers. "You must have been pleased to secure the funding for your multi-agency project. You've been successful." he said. She replied, "Yes, I am pleased but I see it as symbolic, we all worked together to secure the funding and it was working together which was important, not the funding." He has attached importance to the results, to what has been achieved. She has attached only symbolic importance to this, the real 'success' is in the coming together of different agencies. Do adults continue to develop their meaning making capacity as they mature? A group of writers which include Torbert, Loevinger and Kegan believe they do and that some highly differentiated stages of meaning making in the adult human being can be determined. This theory has profound implications for managers. In a nutshell; a manager is constrained by the self generated framework within which he or she makes meaning, just as the younger of the brothers was constrained by his meaning making inferences. In fact, just as both brothers were constrained by their meaning making, for we all operate within a meaning making structure, or at least this is how I understand it from my own meaning making framework. Torbert and the others pick up from where Piaget left off, ie at the beginning of adulthood. They suggest that meaning making capacity has the potential to develop through distinct stages, in which each stage encompasses the capacities of the previous stages before it. Torbert lists eight stages for the adult and Loevinger lists three broad phases within which specific stages can be identified. These are shown in Table 1. A warning: care must be taken with the language of the labels, particularly in Torbert's case - the common understanding of these terms is not accurate when applied to this model. Table 1
What meaning making capacities are necessary to enable managers to succeed at implementing change? It is my proposition that sufficient managers must have post-conventional meaning-making capacity (in Torbert's terms, Strategist and later). Research by Torbert in the US and by The Harthill Group in the UK on small samples (487 and 125 respectively) has shown that the key stages for managers are technician (34%), Achiever (46%), and Strategist (9%). Explanations of the main characteristics of these key stages are found in Table 2. Some key attributes of the Strategist stage of
development which support organisational transformation
There are a number of world views or meaning making structures which differentiate those at the Strategist stage of development from the earlier stages and impact directly on the ability of Strategist stage managers to engage in transformative change. The most profound developmental characteristic of the Strategist stage is the deepening awareness that all people, including themselves, understand their individual worlds by looking through the lens of their own meaning making structures. The consequence of this is that all people understand the world slightly, and sometimes profoundly, differently. Perspectives are relative. The Strategist is engaged in striving to comprehend the worldviews of others and to engage in participative, rather than unilateral, meaning making. This in turn leads to an inclusive way of operating in the world based upon inquiry. This gives rise to an important agility for those at the Strategist stage. If 'reality' is constructed then any current framing of a situation is merely one of many possible framings. The strategist can equally quickly re-frame circumstances in order to transform action. When Brian Keenan was held hostage in Beirut he went on hunger strike to stop one of his captors physically beating him; reframing the situation so that he gave himself power from an almost totally disempowered position. He wrote "I felt no need for anger or aggression. My stubbornness had interiorised itself...I remember carrots were occasionally flung at me. I laughed and laughed. Here was a game I was winning; I was in control and control could not be taken from me."Table 2 (adapted from Torbert) Main managerial style characteristics of three key
developmental stages
Whilst those at the Achiever stage focus on performance within the given social system of an organisation those at later stages do not take the current system and its value base as a given but as relative, and may seek to change it. The Strategist stage manager does however operate from deeply held principles and within a personal moral code. Key to these principles and built on the understanding of the relativity of viewpoints is the desire for mutuality and an inclusive rather than exclusive order of things. An important principle is that the use of power should tend towards inclusion and mutuality - that each individual should be given opportunities to self maximise. As managers move into the Strategist stage they become interested in the use of power and particularly their own power. Whilst they continue to seek systems effectiveness they also seek justice and legitimacy. They engage in a conscious inquiry about how power, and particularly their power, should be used to bring this about. They will often experiment with their power, testing the limits of overt influence alongside covert manipulation. This presents intriguing dilemmas for the Strategist stage manager. Recently one manager put it like this to me; "I'm delivering on the bottom line stuff - but what I'm really interested in now is how to make this a truly fun place to work. I want people to get a buzz out of working here. I'm creating opportunities for people to relax more, to ease off, but in trying to create this I'm getting worried that I might be seen as manipulating - which would destroy what I'm trying to create". Achiever stage managers look for straight lines through problems, their tendency is to seek to clarify and simplify. This accounts for the Achiever's great effectiveness and high value to organisations. The Strategist stage manager however, becomes increasingly aware of the existence of complexity, paradox and ambiguity. This enables them to work in the relatively unstructured and fluid world of seemingly chaotic organisational change, where structures are being taken apart. This ability to work with complexity and fluidity is an enormously valuable resource of Strategist stage managers today: a capacity which is increasingly valued. It can also can have debilitating consequences; Strategists are often seen as less decisive than their conventional stage colleagues. The Strategist stage manager inquires by asking questions such as: "How do you see this?" "What sense can we make of if" "How would you like to proceed?" "Can we view this in a different way?" "What can we learn from that experience?" and so on. This inquiry is fundamental to learning in the organisation and to the possibility of self generated transformation. Only together can sustained second order change take place - a mutual process of co-creation instigated by the Strategists inquiry. The criticisms of this developmental
Critics also dislike the framework because it suggests
that all human beings must progress along a road of meaning making
development, passing milestones in an exact order. I have sympathy
with this criticism and yet in the time that I have inquired into the
framework's validity I have been surprised by how often it does seem to
provide an accurate description of the developmental progress of
individuals. I am reminded of Carl Rogers quote "I am at once struck
by the great differences between people and the great
similarities". An example of a Strategist stage manager
Some people like and admire him, some do not. Most of the people near to him respect him very much, to the extent of being a little in awe or nervous of him. He will change his mind about an issue as he gathers information over time, so that people distant from him in the organisation think him inconsistent. Because he plays many roles; the gentle listener, the tough talker, the abstract theoretician and the rambling storyteller people feel that they do not really know him or that he is not to be trusted.Are organisations dependent on Strategist stage managers to enable transformative change? I argue that in a hierarchically managed organisation true and deep culture change requires the presence of managers at the post conventional stages of development. If this is true, what proportion of a senior management team at these later stages would be sufficient? Is one person enough? My own experiences, and I know of no extensive quantitative research in this area, is that post conventional managers are required and that there must be more than one. If the leader is not able to frame from a Strategist (or later) perspective then profound change is unlikely. Let me give two examples of change initiatives, one
unsuccessful and the other successful. Chief Executive Achiever -TechnicianThe initial impetus to engage consultants was created by the Strategist stage Directors who were experiencing increasing professional tension with their Chief Executive. Both Strategists felt that too much time was being spent by the management team, and particularly by the CE, dealing with business within a status quo framework, when far reaching changes to the culture of the organisation and its market positioning were required. Both looked for consultants who would help broaden the perspective. During the time of the intervention (just over one year)
the CE struggled to understand and deal with some of the complex issues
facing the company, and in particular failed to operate effectively in an
international senior group which was making important decisions affecting
the UK operation. His Achiever - Technician framework had served him
very well during the steady growth years of his industry, but now the
environment was different and required different capacities.
The ambitious change programme first withered and then was abandoned. Where trust had been built, it faded. From my perspective as a consultant the CE 'reverted to what was familiar' after a period of learning new approaches, some of which were influenced by his Strategist stage colleagues. Many in the organisation considered that there was a retrenchment into autocratic management and centralised control. This was clearly an unsatisfactory change project and not one that I, as a consultant, am proud of. Given the balance of the management team, could it have been different? What was the learning? Interpreting this through the lens of the developmental stages model I make these observations: The two Strategist stage managers had initiated the engagement of consultants - it had been they who had a vision of a changed organisation whilst the CE continued to focus only on issues of profit and market share within an unchanged organisational context. Had the CE been able to allow these two more influence over the areas of organisational development concerning them there may well have been progress. In fact this had been an early game plan by the CE and the team, but his need to hold all of the details gave rise to a level of anxiety which prevented him from "letting the Strategists go". If I were to approach this project again I would want to engage the CE in personal development coaching prior to the project starting - aimed at moving him into a greater self awareness of his own process of meaning making and providing insights into the Strategists frame. Throughout the process of change it would then have been helpful to provide coaching which continually enabled him to see his own perspectives and ambitions in relationship to those of others and to seek creative resolutions of these tensions. The two Strategists became impatient during the change process - given the composition of the management team were their early expectations too high? Were they asking too much of their colleagues at the conventional stages? They (just like the CE) needed to work more on integrating the perspectives of others with their own so that a change process emerged built on mutual perspectives. This opens up another door which I will just peep through and then close. Did the developmental stage of the consultants play a key part in the process? In this example did the two Strategist stage consultants (as we were) become too connected with the visions and hopes of the Strategist stage managers, and was this at cost to the project? Change that worked Director Achiever -StrategistThis was an unusual group in that it's stage distribution was far later than most managerial samples and was combined with youth (two at thirty, one late thirties, one mid forties). The group set out together to build "a work environment which people are delighted to work in". The philosophy was of empowered participation, seeking to move towards consensus based decision making and open management. At the same time the management team sought to instigate an ambitious and radically different organisational structure for research. The whole division also engaged, over a period of time, in setting for itself stretching research targets. I have been struck by a number of aspects of this change programme which reveal something of the Strategist stage approach The managers genuinely sought involvement from all others in the division. They questioned their use of power continually and sought to balance leadership with open participation. Innovative new structures were tried, in a mood of inquiry. For example the feedback - reward system was altered dramatically (and several times) in attempts to make it more just and effective. Each change was the result of extensive dialogue within the division. Two non managers joined the management team for a stint of six months after which they were followed by other non managers - eventually a significant number, including graduate entrants, will have worked as equal members of the management team. The organisational structure moved from separate and sometimes competing projects to interdependent and cross fertilising activity teams where boundaries were not always clear. The Strategist stage managers were happy to support this level of ambiguity, which worried their Achiever stage colleagues. After deep concern from many of the research engineers (Technician stage?) about the scope of the changes, the management team (now including some of these engineers) pulled back with some of its ambitions. The Strategist stage managers realised that leaving people behind would serve no good purpose and that they needed to temper their ambition. Nearly two years on from starting this change process the Division is in good health. Its technical research is progressing well and there is a climate of unusual openness and cooperation between staff. All management decision processes are open to view and future strategic direction and tempo is created by the whole staff. Notably very few staff have left, with the exception of the Strategist-Magician, who has moved on to a more senior management post where he is continuing the inquiry into organisational change. The staff of the division continue to inquire together into how the division may evolve in the future and by the very nature of this collaborative engagement are becoming the organisation they dreamed they might. Developing Strategist stage capacity
Considering the latter, I have met many Achiever stage managers who have become deeply proficient within their Achiever frame in a clearly defined role such as Production Manager for a factory who have then been promoted to a much less clearly defined, more fluid and infinitely more political role such as Production Manager Europe. Suddenly the world of relative certainties (clear production, profit and quality targets) becomes far less certain. The French look at this way, whilst their German sister plant looks at it another way. How can the European Manager, no longer within the power base of his plant, succeed in leading an international group of factory managers? By exposure to the challenge they may develop a Strategist capacity - if they can survive that long. Purposeful development is of course possible. However there is a quantum step between conventional and post conventional stages. A radically different framing capacity needs to be created. Apart from exposure to a new order of challenge how can this be developed? It is important to recognise that this type of change takes time, Torbert suggests that people making a transition may take a minimum of two years, often longer. In my work with managers I've found the following to be important contributors to personal change processes which create post conventional awareness: the availability of a mentor who is post conventional; post conventional role models; self reflective processes such as journal keeping which enable managers to carefully reflect on and learn from their actions; surprising and tangential development processes (for example learning Aikido, a Japanese martial art, meditation or even a foreign language) and bringing the metaphors and lessons into their lives; reading widely and variously about post conventional heroes and anti heroes; personal therapy; membership of open and lively learning groups such action learning sets; attendance at a frame shaking management or personal development course; traumatic life changes such as divorce, the death of a loved one or personal illness; and the membership of a spiritual group or community.Clearly none of these are sufficient in themselves to lead to step-change development; divorce does not always lead to development, sometimes quite the reverse. There is a question here of ripeness or readiness. Sometimes something comes along which, although a challenge at the time, eventually provides the learning to move a person to a new level of awareness. The challenge facing Achiever stage managers is to let go
of the familiar and step out into what can feel like a meaning making
void. And only if they choose to, for as I argued earlier strategist
stage capacity is necessary for successful organisational change, but it
does not necessarily lead to greater contentment. David Rooke is a Managing Partner with The Harthill
Group. He can be contacted by telephone on +44 (0)1594 530223 or
email: contact@harthill.co.uk
For further reading Keenan B An Evil Cradling Kegan R The Evolving Self Kegan R In Over our Heads: The Mental Demands of Modern
Life Loevinger J & Wessler E Measuring Ego Development: Construction and Use of a Sentence Completion Test, Vols 1 and 2. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass (1978) Semler R Maverick! Torbert W R The Power of Balance: Transforming self,
society and scientific inquiry |