SFDCS Executive
Development Planning Journal
Jan 1, 2002
Many of you are familiar with knowledge
management, knowledge communities and all the various
intricacies associated with this paradigm of being in
organizations. In fact, I wrote about it several years ago
(my time flies when you're having fun!<G>).
However, I realized this past year
that there was something missing and have considered it in
light of my own development: empathy. Obviously, it was a
blind spot for me, however now it is an opening and no
longer a gap.
As I looked over my last couple of
years of performance and development, I've realized I'm
doing a lot of really positive things. Yet, I still don't
have the freedom I want, nor do I have the inner peace I
want around knowing that I'm reaching as fully as possible
into the river of potential available to me.
As a theo/utilitarian, I see the
value in continuing to learn and grow personally and
professionally. Yet, at times, I find that I can increase
my freedom by operating a part from the community as a
whole. This "isolation on purpose" allows me to accomplish
many things, yet I want more from my life and
contribution. In order to move to the next level of my own
development, I have to view my own development as integral
to the development of the community around me.
Again, my utility sees the ability
to provide a quid pro quo that as a strength helps me to
over the barriers I might feel in committing to a
community of support. The other issues required in a CoS
is vulnerability. Leaders at all levels requires those
same leaders to pick up and hand over the leadership
duties to others in the community, thus creating
In some ways, the CoS will serve a
number of needs any growing community has as it develops
over time. It is not just knowledge sharing, but learning
how to lead and promote others to lead and develop that
becomes key. I won't say this is completely missing in
B\Coach, as there are a number of key structures in place
to accomplish much of this community of support and
learning. Yet, I feel that I/WE are ready to take the next
step in our own evolution as we seek to bring our
knowledge into the center of the learning cycle. Remember?
Concrete Experience, Reflective Observation, Abstract
Conceptualization and Active Experimentation.
When we marry the learning cycle to
specific perspectives, we can evolve our own growth and
development in support and supported by others. At least
that is my assumption. I think there is some good research
data to support my mental models here.<G>
So, in my own case, I've been
reflecting on the different aspects of my own life that I
want to focus on over time. The new year always brings an
opportunity for reflection, at least for me. I realize
that in the past year, I've given up quite a bit to do
what I've done and while I wouldn't change it, I asked
myself the question....can I have it all?
I feel I can.
However, it will take more attention to my intention
and an intention that is aligned for me to build
capability. Notice, how the streams I'm labeling are a
part of the LFS. In order to build capability, I need
coaching. Over the past few years I've used about 13
coaches at different times. In fact, I still continue to
use just in time coaching where I see it is germane to my
path and that won't change. However, I wonder how many of
you have coaches you can use JIT or JIC (Just in Case)?
Enter the CoS.
Here's what I'm proposing...
I've set aside Monday evenings from 8:45 PM ET until
10:30 PM ET for a virtual convening of this CoS. It is
entirely optional and has nothing to do with the
requirements for the program, CEUS, classes, or anything
else. I'm going to host the call, not control it. I will
seek to get my needs met, however I don't see why that
will prevent those from attending in getting their own
needs met.
I'm not entirely sure what a CoS is yet, as I've never
really been a part of one, nor have I convened one. I do
see it as a distant cousin to a mastermind, however the
mastermind probably has a higher degree of familiarity.
The one thing I do see they have in common is "strict"
confidentiality. In fact, I see our generic B\Coach
Values: Right Action, Respect Confidentiality, Development
and Mastery as essential subjective guidelines for the CoS
I don't intend to create a formal ISIS for the CoS,
however I'm going to identify my own as I bring my own
Intention into my attention and alignment.
Ok, what I've decided to do on those Monday Evenings
beginning Jan 7, 2002 and lasting formally until Labor Day
in Sept is to focus on four areas, create an Intention,
with Sos, KSFs, Goals and Standards for my "attic memes"
those aspirations I have about the present and future of
my life as I live it. You're invited to join me with your
own intention and attention.
Depending on how many people show up each week, I
figure we'll split the available time among the
participants and use the time in the manner we wish;
whether it be in affirming our intention, getting coaching
from others on barriers, sharing our experiences with
others, of course generating new ideas to reach our
objectives and whatever else emerges. It can be used as an
accountability opportunity for those of us who wish to
utilize "peer knowledge" to push us forward; some of us
are just like that...don't know whether it is the issue of
"because I told people about it, I'll put more energy into
it, or the issues of threat, fear or embarrassment...who
I plan to work with objectives in four areas of my
Strategic Objectives
Physical: focus more each day on my health and physical
Emotional: attend to my emotional well-being and peace
of mind
Financial: integrate the "richdad-poordad principles in
choose to be rich formula"
Systems: identify, define and implement more async
Each week, I intend to hold myself accountable for
measurable progress in these perspectives on Monday at
8:45 PM ET, by showing up or reporting into the community
the capability I've managed the prior weeks. I may not
disclose what I'm up to, but by showing up or focusing my
attention and creating external pressure, I'm creating
artificial pressure so my pressure prompted nature won't
get in my way of having what I want now instead of always
striving for it.<G>
I'm even thinking <just thinking at this stage> of
making these processes semi-public to this group and
allowing you to log into a special site I'm considering
(leaving myself some options here--how imp is this to me
really<VBG>?)where I document this journey...boy am I
making myself uneasy now.<VVBG>
Anyway, I'll struggle with all of this, I just thought
if I disclosed what I'm doing that some of the rest of you
might want to come and play with me in a supportive, yet
accountable environment. Now, some of you might say...this
is opposite of what we're taught. However, I ask you to
see that "I" am the one initiating this and I am not
asking you to be my formal coach, but to encourage,
support and affirm me in this environment as I take
initiative on my own to move forward. In exchange (util),
I'll do the same for each of you.
That's it, every Monday starting next week (although
I've already started all of this work a few weeks ago),
I'll see you there. Are you up to the support?<VBG>
The number is listed on the INTRANET, but here it is:
Mondays thru Labor Day: 865-362-4050 PIN 1950# 8:45 PM
ET Come if you dare!
No need for RSVP, excuses, etc<G>, just show up if
you're interested, HOWEVER you have to work, you can't
just watch!
-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Rausch [ mailto:Dr.Bob@InfluentialEdge.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 9:43 AM
To: Mike Jay
Subject: RE: Creating a "Community of Support" in 2002?
[Sorry for crosspost]
Hi Mike and Happy New Year,
Feeling pretty good this morning and thought I'd drop
you a line. Some of the feel good is from LSU working Ill.
over last night. Just finished reading your letter and was
surprised and pleased. My response is more on a personal
note than as a student or colleague. When I came into
b-coach I was looking for a community where "sharing
growth" was important. Obviously there must be a leader
and a process. I have great regard for the process and
respect you for your insights, intellect and passion. I
have however been presented with another internal issue as
a result of b-coach. It's hard to put my finger on exactly
what the issue is but to get straight to the point it's
been my reaction to your approach. Please understand I'm
not suggesting fault or blame or a "you need to get your
act together" thing. I'm saying that I expected "we're all
in this together, let's learn together" and that is just
not happening for me. Sometimes is feels like the process
is more important than the people learning the process. My
reaction to you is clearly my problem. Joyce Baker and I
have talked about it. It has made me revisit my reason for
entering b-coach in the first place. Here's the reasons:
- To learn more about coaching. I realize my years of
doing therapy is not enough.
- To get to know people all around the country. (Didn't
know it was going to be the world.)
- To "feel" a part of something that was great.
Coaching is great and your process is also outstanding.
- To develop life-long friends. I hesitate to say
contacts (too cold) or collaborators (too business),
actually I want more out of my professional life than just
c or c.
So far I have achieved three of the four. I have not
yet been able to feel a part of something great. At this
point I feel like I'll finish this process, move down the
road and never the twain shall meet. Don't want that to
happen. Therefore, I believe your Monday call can be "God
sent" for me. I intend to be on the call every chance I
get. Thanks for your vulnerability and please accept this
catharsis in the spirit I intend it.
Best to you,
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Jay [ mailto:m.r.jay@worldnet.att.net]
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 9:26 AM
To: Dr.Bob@InfluentialEdge.com
Subject: RE: Creating a "Community of Support" in 2002?
[Sorry for crosspost]
Thanks for the note.
Not once while I read did I feel defensive.<G>
However, one thing I "hope" you're learning is about
the natural and unnatural difference between preferences,
especially the T and F function. It is impersonal versus
personal and while we all have the functions in our
"systems" our preference for their use and application is
vastly different.
Actually to a select few of us, who have been with this
awhile, we have what you describe. Yet, the community at
large sometimes is turned off by "me". I notice it, have
for a long time. I've rationalized it, agonized over it
and minimized it. Over time, if people really want to be a
part of a learning community, we have one at the core of
this group, something not easy to maintain or continue to
grow. And yes, it is all over the world!
The community of support is something that is
unique--as I've never heard of it before, so maybe it is a
"way" for someone like me to create more of a space for
the personal part of our needs among members.
Generally speaking, we don't attract a lot of "FRS into
the community, it is Ts 3:1. If you go to CIF, you'll find
it the other way around and largely female 80-20, where we
are more 50-50, so there REALLY is a difference in the
"atmosphere" something you stated you "felt or sensed" but
couldn't put your finger on. Since you've "conditioned"
yourself to play in this T game over time, you can manage
it, but it doesn't feel right....I'm the same way, I'vet
conditioned myself over time to manage my "feelings" when
I sense the F environment (touchy feely)<G>, and the F
type as a whole, however I still have a LOT of work to do
with the "questioning F" type, which still raise the
hackles on the back of my neck!
I've thought about it a lot and I've tried to allow
myself the space to recondition myself, just as Fs will
have to do so to manage in the executive suite (79 % some
combo of T according to CAL surveys). In a lot of ways, it
is what is wrong with the world...why a Monsanto can
poison an entire town and know they are doing it because
the people are not sophisticated to resist and thousands
of other issues each day that get made by "impersonal"
leaders and executives.
So, you've hit upon an ideal topic to at least examine
during the course of support time, hope to create the
space for your contributions and the learning and growth
you desire!
-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Rausch [ mailto:Dr.Bob@InfluentialEdge.com]
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 2:48 PM
To: Mike Jay
Subject: RE: Creating a "Community of Support" in 2002?
[Sorry for crosspost]
Hi Mike,
Thanks for the response. The process and you personally
are producing the space for me to learn and grow. I do
have some sense about the difference between T and F and
personal vs. impersonal. Also have a lot to learn. Since
my preference is F I have spent years recognizing the
value of T. Once had a colleague who asked me "how did I
ever get through my Ph.D. degree because of my style,"
"Just felt my way through it." I think the personal vs.
impersonal is my dilemma. I have seen dominant thinkers
who acquire the ability to be personal. Also dominant
feelers who resort to impersonal. Sometimes I believe it's
more of the "messages" through life or socialization than
preference. Lots to talk about here.
At any rate, you've been a challenge for me. I see all
challenges as something the "universe" wants me to learn.
so in a strange way my reason for being in b-coach is more
than academics or practicum in coaching. It's about me
dealing with what I interpret as people who have personal
passion that drives the "point" and misses the people.
(Not a criticism of you) Here goes my preference and
assumptions again!
In conclusion, as I was wrestling with this I was given
a quote, "Do not bite my finger, look where I'm pointing."
Made all the sense in the world to me. Thanks for
"pointing" and the challenges. Look forward to Monday
night. Regret I missed the Exec. Call on Thursday I was
with my Texas client.
Best to You,
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Jay [ mailto:m.r.jay@worldnet.att.net]
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 6:29 PM
To: Dr.Bob@InfluentialEdge.com
Subject: RE: Creating a "Community of Support" in 2002?
May I have permission to use this dialogue?
Importance: High
Cool note.
Here's something that has helped me learn about what
you said about
It's about me dealing with what I interpret as people
who have personal passion that drives the "point" and
misses the people.
You see what I have finally figured out is NOT to
confuse INTENTION with behavior. I fully intend and care
about people, but as a person who sees things objectively,
logically and impersonally, I can't figure out why people
get so upset.
I'm just coming off a personal run-in with this as I
write this and am still shaking as someone has really
taken me to task and been very hurtful to me as a result
of either "taking me down a notch" or having to prove
they're right.
Essentially, I felt it came down to them criticizing me
for my INTENTION and not my behavior. They interpreted my
behavior as my intention and that is why I think it is
valuable as you state to come to learn about ourselves and
what we bring to the misunderstanding.
In the future, I will be much more careful about
trusting people until I can see they will understand I
make a lot of mistakes out of good intention. Having
someone criticize your intention as might be interpreted
"personal passion that drives the "point" and misses
the people."
Is a very valid point to consider for me in my stated
journey of empathy.
Many people say to me, Mike, you have a lot of empathy.
Yet, some people say, "I have no people skills, I suck"
these are actual feedback I've received.
What I conclude is that some people see my behavior as
my intention. When my behavior is poorly constructed or
"impersonal" it comes across as if I don't care. That
couldn't be farther from the truth.
So, the issue for me (as a logician) is to look at the
numerator and the
On one hand, I don't intend for people to think I don't
On the other hand, I don't behave the way some people
think I should.
You can see this produces many opportunities (TRAPS<G>)
for me:
Here's what I mull over:
Don't go around people. (easier<g)
Don't trust people because they don't see me as "good"
and well-intentioned although misbehaving. Limit my
personal life to people and don't expose myself. Stay
conscious all the time when I'm around people...(hard to
do this
Not be myself, but project who I want to be seen as.
Don't make mistakes in behavior.
Be so present that I can behave according to cue and
differences in people (tough) Keep a professional distance
from people NEVER relax, because when I do because I'm so
extraverted, risk-taking, hard-charging, etc. I often
tread where others don't, so my behavior is seen as
erratic, eccentric, crazy<G>, unprincipled, misguided,
etc. Build an inner circle who values me and allows me to
make mistakes Don't care what people think, behave the
best I can as a human, don't worry about it.
These are the ones I came up with in a very short
period of time, there are a lot more (BTW, these are
So, maybe my journey can be helpful to you in your
Thanks for the thoughts!
PS: May I have permission to make these comments pubic
in my journal?
-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Rausch [ mailto:Dr.Bob@InfluentialEdge.com]
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 12:22 PM
To: Mike Jay
Subject: RE: Creating a "Community of Support" in 2002?
May I have permission to use this dialogue?
Appreciate your response. Your journey IS helpful to
me. Along with learning "exactly" what I need for coaching
it's really cool getting to know you and the struggle you
mention in your email. I was talking with Jinger the other
day about an issue concerning one of our boys and she
asked me why I was so angry. I told her I wasn't angry but
"only passionate" about the topic. Whether angry or not
I'm realizing my communication has a "charge" behind it
and sometimes the "ordinance" (emotion) that drives the
comment needs to be like a firecracker but I replace it
with a nuclear charge. The power behind it blows her out
of the water therefore she "misses my point because of my
power." INTEND to work on adjusting this because, as you
said, my heart is right but delivery is overwhelming.
Seems people get so upset because (?) their intake value
is a completely different preference.
If you don't mind me being a little nosey and more of a
friend I'd like to pontificate a little more. I continue
to remember the Hans Isnic study that states, "A third of
the people like you, a third don't and a third don't
care." Certainly doesn't give me the right to disregard
the feelings of others, but does give me the insight to
realize I can't be all things to all people. It has always
surprised and troubled me that some are threatened by me
and candidly don't like me. They see me as arrogant and
sometimes pushy. For the life of me I can't figure that
out because of the love and compassion I have for others.
Therefore, as I mentioned in a previous email, I have a
real desire for a core group of friends and colleagues who
are willing to take me as I am, warts and all. Honestly,
for those who don't I just don't have the energy to mess
with them.(hard to do) Realizing others are a mirror for
my behavior is important for my development, but altering
my personality to fit the "dysfunctional needs" of others
is out of the question. I have had people who have
confronted me with my behavior in an instructive fashion
which has been good for me. On the other hand, those who
have needed me to change to descend into what I believe is
their own "sick" need in unacceptable. The way I have
"judged" this is by their approach and what I conclude as
their intention. (Generally, I ask what the intention
is.)This allows me to maintain my own psychic boundaries
and sense of self-esteem.
As far as your assumptions, I found them interesting
and "somewhat" overwhelming. I would not even begin to
comment on your thoughts or growth because it belongs to
you. HOWEVER, I would say I like the one where you suggest
building an inner circle of friends who value you and
allow you to make mistakes. (My own need) The rest of
them, if you don't mind my being straight, are bullshit.
First, don't think you can ever do them and second, it
wouldn't be Mike. (I understand they are just assumptions
and you're free to list anything you like). In the spirit
of grow we can go anywhere we want. I have found it
valuable to have someone to help me create some boundaries
for my growth because, in my passion, I often overshoot
the target.
Thanks for letting me continue this with you. I know we
both have a lot to do but it's been insightful and
helpful. Great way to build a relationship, which is what
all this is about anyway. Please feel free to make these
comments public in your journal or however it best serves
Thanks again,
HI, Thanks for your note
and thoughts (and the quote reference too!) Robert
Kiyosaki says his "rich dad" told him that quote, so his
rich dad must have read or known Hans Isnic! This is cool
because I like seeing how nothing changes, we do!
Also, when I listed my assumptions, I was making
explicit even the ones that are BS, because I'm convinced
from my research that whether we believe or subscribe to
those babies or not, they are there and "brighten" or
activate at various times. Even if, as Beck suggests, they
are in the "basement" (past), they are still there, still
supporting other beliefs and I want to make them explicit
because at times, they do pop up.
Obviously, you realize what I've chosen based on my
theory in use--build a community, stick to my guns and
realize that I can't please everyone. However the
challenge is business reality. I have to find a way to do
both and THAT is the challenge!!!
Most of the time, I don't WANT or DESIRE to kiss
people's butts. It just isn't easy to do. However what I
have to realize is that if I change the attribution,
something like this:
[Using a syllogism: btw, which BEM showed as the way
belief structures are formed, 1971 book is out of print:
Statement 1
Statement 2
Syllogism of two statements
Some people don't like me.
I'm trying to be empathetic, compassionate and
well-intentioned. Some people don't like me even when I'm
empathetic, compassionate and well-intentioned.
Then there is this one:
Some people don't like me even when I'm empathetic,
compassionate and well-intentioned. My feelings get hurt
when people don't like me. Some people who don't like me
hurt my feelings.
Then this one:
I don't like hurt feelings.
I don't kiss people's butts.
I don't like hurt feelings so I don't kiss people's
Now, you say how in the world do I get to that...I
never said belief formation was rational!
Actually, I have many more distortions than that,
however sometimes I try this:
I want to be successful in business.
I don't like hurt feelings so I don't kiss peoples
I don't look at it like I'm kissing people's butts,
because I want to be successful.
Now, for the sake of time, I left out quite a few
steps, yet, the attribution changes and it is not the
issue of kissing people's butts, but managing a successful
business that is more important to me.
The bigger WHY makes the how possible, even when it
So, the point here is two-fold.
1. By understanding how people make meaning, we can
help them form new meanings which are more leveraging for
2. By doing this exercise, I find that I can begin to
unravel the belief structure that keeps me from changing
my beliefs in a way that serves my purpose and helps me
reach my potential.
The point is the issue of emotional competence. Now,
I'm going to go the long way here, so bear with me.
First off there is an incredible piece of research
which hardly anyone knows about:
REAL MANAGERS: I put it here:
The reason I draw your attention to this is that it is
part of business reality that we fail to follow. The gist
of the research is that people who did the job didn't get
promoted near as fast, if at all, over those that played
the political games, networked and "kissed people's
butts!" In other words, it is just a fact of business
reality, sad as it is.
The other issue contributing to my beliefs about how I
have to change my own emotional competence lies in the
research from EI. It indicates that EI is the basic reason
for success.
Now, let's integrate that with, 1/3 of the people love
you, hate you and don't care.
Now, let's pick up another piece of research (we paid
for btw as it was done by gov.), that every person who is
dissatisfied with you (that you piss off) tells on average
12.5 other people (13)!
You can see that it is only those who have extricated
themselves from the rat race (where passive income > than
expenses each month) can AFFORD the 1/3 scenario. I
believe this is why people are not see as successful in
business, as executives or as leaders, or as just people
working their job.
I don't think anyone has ever put it like this, but
this is what I've come to believe to cause me to start to
try to shift my own "principles" of THEY CAN KISS MY
...you know what. I just want a bigger income or business
that holding the KISS OFF beliefs can create.
Some will say I am inauthentic!
I don't think it has to do anything with authenticity,
except that it is authentic for me to understand what I
want and do what I have to do to get it, within the bounds
of legal, moral and ethical guidelines. To me, that is
I hope that explains some of my concern, I feel it
helps me go through it again because I'm making my beliefs
known and also practicing these new beliefs which are a
part of the "attic."
I'm going to kiss their butt all the way to the
bank...and love how it creates my future and the future of
my ability to contribute my efforts towards realizing my
potential to serve others. Yet, there are going to be
times, where I don't feel so peppy as I do now, especially
like the other day...when I felt hit by a semi....
Thanks for serving as a partner in this past few
exchanges. I won't be able to keep it up, as it is
exceeding my allocation to my own development, I have to
go make some money<G>.
JAN 20, 2002 |
How time flies when you're
having fun! For some of us, time goes so fast, it
seems like a bunch of hop, skips and jumps as we immerse
our lives in flow.
I wanted to make a journal entry here.
I just wanted to write down that I am making progress,
albeit slow, but yes, I'm making progress. I still
find myself getting angry, competitive and dictatorial.
I can feel it almost while it is happening and I've taught
myself not to react so much externally, so therefore I
have to deal with it internally and that is tough.
But I've caught myself lately stopping myself from
saying, writing, reacting and responding while in the
throws of these emotions. I've finally began to
learn to separate as Damasio states in his book, The
Feeling of What Happens...that the biochemical response
that becomes an "emotion" is separate from the feeling of
that emotion (in my case anger, competitiveness,
dominance) and what I know it means. I'm working on
the last stage because in order to know what it means I
have to recycle back to the feeling and the emotion itself
and I've never done that...and of course with my limited
natural disposition for reflection, it is a trip to be
I just wanted you to know Mike, you're making progress
in lots of ways, keep it up! |
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