
Assumption:  a rule based on your experience about how the world works

These are often referred to as beliefs, mental models, reality, etc.  The value in knowing your assumptions lies in the objective nature that become present once they are explicit.  Implicit assumptions are often at the root of failure, as we are subject to and embedded in them versus being able to hold them as object, examine them and repair, modify, adapt or discard them in favor of assumptions which are more in alignment with reality as it is rather than as we see it.

Asynchronous: an activity taking place outside of your awareness.

These types of activities occur without your conscious awareness in attention.  The compounding of interest on your Certificate of Deposit doesn't require your presence.  A person visiting your web page and ordering one of your products, paying for it online, having the money deposited in your bank account is a series of asynchronous events.

Business Reality:  an independent set of universal socioeconomic principles

These principles guide the formation, accumulation and distribution of wealth in the world.  They do change according to government regulation, socioeconomic conditions, creativity and various other actors, however in general they are evergreen and once proven to be effective get used over and over again because of the ability to predict.

Rat Race:  When your expenses exceed your passive income.

To free oneself from the rat race, you must have more passive income than expenses.  Therefore you do NOT have to work for time or lead a regular work life of going to work everyday.  The money coming in from your investing or business activities is greater than your synchronous expenses.

Synchronous:  Requires you to be present in time and in space.

These types of activities require you to have in your present awareness the object of your attention.  For example: going to a job requires synchronous awareness.  Going to your child's soccer game or attending a birthday party are all synchronous activities.

Monetize:  to turn an idea, data, information, matter into money.
Sales Letter: a specifically constructed series of statements designed to sell

Now, some people will wonder why in the heck I am defining something that everybody already knows?  Well, in my experience, most people only think they know.  In fact, there is a science around writing sales letters and if you are unaware of it, 9 times out of 10 you're going to violate the scientific principles and sub-optimize the effects.  LEARN how to write a basic sales letter!

Scientific Marketing Approach:  a system using proven principles rather than ideas

Key here is that most of us have ideas about how the world works.  Truth is, most of those ideas we learned from a lot of crazy notions about business reality.  In fact, most of us don't understand science at all, not alone the science of marketing.  I know I still have a lot to learn...the more I learn the more I realize I have yet to learn.

Let me provide you with one example: 

Do you realize it takes on average, according to research, about from 6-21 separate contacts with a person, business or network to close a complex sale? 

Yes, this is really hard to get because most of us buy on the whim anyway.  However, before that "whimsical" moment arrives, we probably had about that number of separate "experiences" with that particular product or service, or with similars products and services in that class.  In other words, what looks like an impulsive purchase comes after a good deal of gestation and descriminate as well as indescriminant research on the subject.

So, how do you apply this principle?

You set up a "chain of events" that create experiences that are likely to inform, persuade and enroll the client in your product or service.  Some people call this shaping reality.  I'm not sure of this, yet I do know that following up is not something hardly anyone does!  In fact, research has shown that about 60% of all trade show visitors, NEVER receive a follow-up from their visit!

Invoke scientific marketing principles and here is what you might set up:

  1. initial follow-up with information the customer identified as important.
  2. allow the client to sign up for MORE information at the time, or on follow-up
  3. keep the client informed over time once you've qualified the client's interest
  4. use web-based autoresponder series, or web site contact software to continue to create an experience for the client over time.
  5. include soft offers, referral requests and benefits of maintaining contact

Now, this is a very generic and simple system.

It used to be that it cost a lot to do what I've just listed.  Using current technology, it virtually costs nothing, no pun intended!  You do have to build the system, or purchase it and you do have to load it up, but once it works for one person, it will work for a million!  Your total cost is amortized by the sales over time, the relationships you build and the opportunities that are identified as a result.

Science WORKS!


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