Executive & Master Business Coach

Executive: (Un)Awareness Inventory

"Outstanding leaders, executives and managers distinguish themselves by their ability to understand and manage themselves and to understand and work with others."

Richard Boyatzis, Case Western University on Emotional Intelligence

Here's who I am, it's what has me...and where my journey lies!  What has you?
Representational Styles:  In order of preference: 

Auditory, Visual, Kinesthetic, Auditory Digital

Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument: [view report]
  • COMPETING 90%.


  • AVOIDING 30%.



Learning Styles Inventory:  [view chart]


Personal Interests, Attitudes & Values: [view report]

1998 Theoretical/Utilitarian   2002  Theoretical/Utilitarian

1998 Individualistic/Aesthetic   2002  Individualistic/Traditional

1998 Social/Traditional            2002  Social/Aesthetic

DISC [view report]

Natural: D = 97%  I = 80%  S = 12%  C = 1%  

Adapted: D = 100%  I = 63%  S = 23%  C = 39%

PROSCAN: [view report]







LOGIC:    Feeling

ENERGY:     Thrust/High Achiever


ENERGY DRAIN:    Very Significant

ENERGY AVAILABLE:    Critically Directed Zone

COMMUNICATION STYLE:     Teller/Authoritative

LEADERSHIP STYLE:     Authoritative/Decisive

BACKUP LEADERSHIP STYLE:     Dictatorial Steamroller




  • Independence and Freedom       
  • Freedom from Structure
  • Freedom to Control               

  • Bottom Line" Results

REISS PROFILE : 2001 Reiss

GREEN: Power, Independence, Curiosity, Eating, Romance

RED: Acceptance, Order, Family, Tranquility

2005 Report

GREEN: Power, Independence, Eating

RED: Acceptance, Order, Family, Status, Tranquility

MBTI STEP II:  [view report]

ENTP,  Systematic OOPs


Chose EMPATHY [View Current SFDCS Plan]

ENNEAGRAM:   Eight  [View Description1][View Riso Description]

In Security:  Two    [View Description]

In Stress:     Five   [View Description]

9 Types: [View Description]

StrengthsFinder:  Major Themes  [View Descriptions]

Ideation, Strategic, Achiever, Activator, Maximizer

Change State Indicator [View]
Spiral Leadership Map: [View]
DEVELOPMENTAL REVIEW: [view] 4(5) Kegan 2000
Leadership Developmental Profile: [view] Strategist  View Stages  View Article
Leadership Style: [view]
Astrological Data for the Day I was born here | Great Resource here

Reading: Water Dragon [View Reading]

Relationship Report [View Report]

Insights Profile [view]
Inscape [view]
CRG Leader Personal Style [view]
Revelations [view]
2000-1 Dev Plan [view]
2002 Dev Plan [view]
2003 Dev Plan [Taking a break in 2003! I mean 5 years of development in a row...that's hard on anyone's ego<G>]
2004 Dev Plan [view]
2005 Dev Plan [cpr]
2003 Purpose in Life Questionnaire Score [view]
2003 IQ (Matched more or less my USMC AFQT in 1971) [view]
2003 Big 5 I'm a O59-C52-E79-A14-N43 Big Five!!
2004: Look MOM, a dandelion....I'm a dandelion? So says colorgenics!
2004: Quiz: What Kind of Manager Are You?

Your final score: 22 of 30

You have a balanced view of what is within your control and what is not. Your responses to circumstances are fluid and complex, leaning toward internalism in some situations and externalism in others. You might, for instance, believe that much of what happens at work is under the control of others (external), but once you get home, your life is under your own control (internal)—or vice versa. (And some areas of life are beyond anyone's control: a major illness, an economic recession, a terrorist attack...). As a manager, you're able to adapt your approach to each individual case. Bear in mind that externals and internals need to be handled differently to achieve their best work.

2004 Archetype: View 2009 Archetype: View
Creator − 29
Sage − 26
Ruler − 26
Warrior − 26
Seeker − 23
Jester − 22
Magician − 21
Lover − 19
Innocent − 17
Destroyer − 16
Caregiver − 12
Orphan − 10


Warrior - 30

Creator - 28

Seeker - 27

Ruler - 27

Sage - 26

Magician - 22

Innocent - 21

Destroyer - 21

Lover - 20

Jester - 20

Orphan - 13

Caregiver - 9

Read about archetype

Jungian Typology 2004 here  INTP/ENTP What is interesting is that both contain the same functions polarized in the same way, yet the difference is which one is object and which one is subject as defined through the attribution of E/I preference. In some ways, I feel that "introversion" explains a lot of who I am, however there is no question in my mind that I am an extravert. One because of how I'm able to deal with and how I deal with the extraverted world. The other reason because I know I'm a dominant extraverted intuitive, placing the thinking function as subordinate to the intuitive. Yet, when I answered the questions, as I looked back on my preferences, the one thing that stands out is the boldness and spontaneity of my natural action or preference. This clearly prohibits me from introversion in terms of this set of attributes. Yet, I feel more drawn to introversion as a way of managing the tensions of my outer environment. All very interesting to continue to consider, modeling my dispensation I would say.
July 2004: I'm dying as we speak: Age Calculator Says 71.9 years, less than 20 left into the homestretch! Click here to see why I'm not going to live very long. Click here  to see if you're going to live longer than me.
August 2004: Vitamin Profile Actual Recommendation | Measurements
October 2004: Values Test; CSI, Culture Scan
March 2005: Dr. Phil/Oprah Profile
April 2005: Big Five Profile
Your Results
Closed-Minded Open to New Experiences
Disorganized Conscientious
Introverted Extraverted
Disagreeable Agreeable
Calm / Relaxed Nervous / High-Strung

2003: O59-C52-E79-A14-N43

2005: O47-C13-E83-A8-N22 (Note shift in Conscientiousness--this one is more correct in my mind, I must have been on drugs in 2003<G>) I'll take another in 2007, if the test remains online.

June 2005: Junging Test
Your Type is
Introverted Intuitive Thinking Perceiving
Strength of the preferences %
22 75 25 78

INTP type description by D.Keirsey
INTP type description by J. Butt

Qualitative analysis of your type formula

 You are:
  • slightly expressed introvert
  • distinctively expressed intuitive personality
  • moderately expressed thinking personality
  • very expressed perceiving personality

I don't agree that I'm an expressive introvert, although I know I'm more introvert than most extraverts. Because I think out loud, I probably have to be classified as an extravert, with introverted traits...which show up in the Reiss, as low social contact.

081805: Socionics: here

Intuitive-Logical Extratim - ENTp (The Inventor)
Based upon original work by Victor Gulenko with some alterations

ENTps normally have a long, slim figure. Other parts of the body are also stretched, especially the legs and fingers. They often have rounded shoulders. Sometimes ENTps have a characteristic inwardly sloping chin. Because of their particular physical structure their clothes always seem to fit pretty badly, often slipping down and hanging off them in an unflattering manner. Their buttons also seem to have a habit of falling off.

ENTps usually have a distant, far away look in their eyes and it often seems as though they are paying little attention to what is going on. During conversation ENTps like to play with objects, like a pen for example, often accidentally breaking it. They may gesticulate when passionately telling a story.

ENTps do not know how to keep the right psychological distance with people. This becomes especially noticeable during long term interaction. One day they can be friendly and the next day they can be completely opposite. They often behave unceremoniously and can rudely butt in on others conversations. ENTps can also find it difficult to evaluate how others feel about them and therefore can make mistakes when choosing friends.

ENTps like to explore everything and are usually completely unaware of how others react to this. They often propose ideas that although have great potential are completely impractical at the time. As usual, they soon forget about that idea and generate a new one, which has no less potential and originality but has no logical connection with the previous. ENTps pay little or no respect to their past achievements. They hardly ever admit when they are at fault. Even if they apologise formally they usually continue to behave the same as before.

ENTps are interested in and talk about everything that is new and unusual even if it is not in their main field of knowledge. It is as if they are magnetised by all brand new theories and are fascinated by all phenomena that can not be explained with logic or reason, for example: ESP, telekinesis and UFO's. They cannot logically explain their ideas as they are always intuitive and vague. Most people cannot fully comprehend their concepts, they simply believe or do not believe.

The main peculiarity of ENTps behaviour is an incredible absent-mindedness. They usually leave items where they used them and have a tendency to constantly lose smaller objects. ENTps work place and personal belongings are often kept in disarray. They invariably forget what they have already done and what they need to do. However, they are quick and shrewd in day to day matters, taking advantage of every opportunity that arises. Because of this others may consider them to be crafty or shifty.

The other main peculiarity of ENTps behaviour is the ability to mobilise in extreme conditions. If somebody puts pressure on them they immediately counterattack, often with more than equal force. They also like to give people advice on how to extricate themselves from difficult entanglements, often proposing the most radical solutions. If ENTps are not interested in a particular job, they try to leave it until the last moment. Then in very short period of time they can complete all awaiting jobs, but of course the quality suffers.

One more peculiarity is the element of chaos and destruction that ENTps bring to every field of their activity. This is especially noticeable in well established institutions where strong discipline is commonplace. However, they implement this chaotic element creatively, generating reform from the destruction. Because of this quality ENTps often become leaders.

October 2005: Humor Test | My Results Thumbs down on this thing, it forces you into things you wouldn't choose, so it's poorly drawn in my view, but you never know until you try. Some of the questions I found irrelevant to humor, but then again, that's me.
Entrepreneurial Propensity Assessment here
Last Name Overall Autonomy Achieve Innovate Recognition Risk Multi-task Financial Leadership Position MBTI
Average Population 4.4 4.7 4.3 3.7 4.5 3.9 4.3 4.6      
MBATech Entrepreneur 6.5 6.7 7 5.4 6.5 6.9 6.2 6.7      
Jay 7.7 7.2 6.9 7.6 8.3 8.8 7.7 7.5 Strategic UL ENTP


23   The Royal Star of the Lion                                         


This is a karmic reward number. 23 bestows, not only a promise of success in personal and career endeavors, it guarantees help from superiors and protection from those in high places. It’s a most fortunate number and greatly blesses with abundant grace the person represented by it. As always, the 23 must be considered alongwith other Single and Compound key Numbers making up the full numerological analysis, which may not be quite so fortunate. But other numbers don’t have much of a chance  to bring about serious trouble when the Royal Star of the Lion is present during difficult times.  No number can challenge the Lion’s strength to win.

Stress Map Online

My scoring grid


August 2006

iWAM: Jan 2006 | October 2006
2007: January www.personalecoach.com

On a regular basis I feel energized.
I am happy for aliveness.

During my day I use my strengths.
I create a fun life.
I give to others everything I have.

I make enough for generati annually.
I use my skills of ideation.
I influence the world I live in by demonstration.

I live sustainably. There I feel energized.
I spend my time together with interested people.
I own sustainable home.

I am significant in the life of modeling. In the life of modeling my role is to be encouraging.

I am proud of a life fully examined, and fully lived.
I am grateful for who I am.

Select | 2007 Beta Lectic Developmental Survey for Managers
View | Vedic Astrology Birth Chart
View | Values Questionnaire Feedback
View | SET Engagement Chart
Strengths Charts | MindMap | Pyramid
View | Numerology Report
View | StrengthsFinder 2.0
View | eStrengths: One Minute Entrepreneur
View | Numerology


View | PVQ

Locus of Control Assessment

Locus of control refers to how a person perceives the cause of life events. Someone with an internal locus of control would generally perceive himself or herself as responsible for certain occurrences (his or her actions would have a direct bearing on the result). On the other hand, a person with an external locus of control would most often blame (or thank) fate, destiny, luck, society, or some other force beyond his or her control.

overall results 

Your overall locus of control appears to be in the mid-range between an internal and external orientation. In general, you probably feel that while you can very well control and influence many aspects of your life, there are things that just happen to you that are outside of your personal control. People with an external LC tend to feel that they are prisoners of luck, fate, their genetic make-up, or socioeconomic status, rather than feeling that they have control over what happens in their lives. As a consequence, an external LC might lead to a rather fatalistic and passive attitude toward life. Perceived lack of control might lower or inhibit motivation, initiative, and willingness to take risks. Under such circumstances, chances of success can be diminished. People with internal LC, on the other hand, interpret outcomes as results of their own actions. They tend to take responsibility as well as credit for the results of their behavior, and are more proactive in general.
You seem to have struck a balance between the two ends of the spectrum. It is important to understand and accept one's own limits, but it is equally important not to give up without doing one's best. Even though equilibrium is good in general, try to shift your locus of control further toward the internal side, as most research points to this as being the healthier end of the spectrum.


"I do this, I do that."
The big black snake of selfishness
Has bitten you!

"I do nothing."
This is the nectar of faith,
So drink and be happy!

-Ashtavakra Gita 1:8

ENSIZE: [view report]

Standout: Advisor/Influencer July 2012 [view report]


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