Mike R. Jay
World's Most Innovative Coach
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Coaching since 1988, Mike began coaching at the ripe old age of 16,
when as a sophomore in high school he coached his 8th grade
basketball midgets to a Jr. High Championship. Performance, play and
results have always been second nature to Mike.
Throughout life, Mike has demonstrated competence in every field
he has chosen, yet underlying that success was his clear ability to
innovate. Since actively training coaches beginning in 1999
his book
Coach2 The Bottom Line: An Executive Guide to Coaching
Performance, Change and Transformation, Mike has led the field of
coaching with one
innovation after another.
"I envy your ability to cut to the chase, to assimilate all the
information from the assessments and not only “read” the client
but give wonderfully actionable direction." - Lynda
Mike is
available for speaking, consulting
and media engagements
But yield who will to their
My object in living is to unite
My avocation and my vocation.
As my two eyes make one in sight
Only where love and need are one,
And the work is play for mortal stakes,
Is the deed ever really done,
For Heaven and the future’s sakes.
Excerpted from Two Tramps in
Mudtime by Robert Frost
Mike has developed more than 200 models during his
speaking, coaching
and consulting career that span entrepreneurial business to organizational
leadership and
beyond; developing an innovative model for governance
called Intocracy and an interdevelopmental form of leadership called
Mike continues to create, adapt and innovate around coaching,
leadership and development. Mike currently publishes
as a daily information source for managers, leaders and
professionals regarding coaching.
Mike stopped counting at 10,000 coaching sessions and has
worked with more than 1500 clients spanning fields as diverse as
athletics, agriculture, medicine and hospitality over more than 25
years in his professional career as a entrepreneur, manager,
consultant, leader and coach. Mike has written
100s of articles, books and papers on a variety of subjects in
almost every known aspect of coaching. He's created more than
50 top
10 lists and continues to publish through his many
newsletters and
more recently a blog.
Mike has trained 1000s of people with his
ideas and continues to innovate daily with his clients. Mike has
worked with people in EDS, Ford, Coca-Cola, Exxon, JP Morgan, the
Army and 100s of other companies around the world, including
business in Russia, India, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, Germany, Canada,
England and South America.
He is the founder of
Leadership University and continues to
teach to learn and to learn to teach through a virtual community
spanning the globe in more than 25 countries. Mike continues to
travel and speak around the world about coaching, business,
consciousness and development. You can catch him teaching classes
from time to time at
Teledevelop, a virtual learning system he pioneered.
Mike recently began offering
an inner-circle subscription to his real-time innovation at
On The
Professional Edge, where his day to day innovation
resides. Mike is glad to call himself a former
Mike's Favorite
It's amazing how you can give such good advice in
so few words. Now the hard work begins. Thanks again.
- Mary Pat |
Follow me to a million is a program that offers many
of Mike's incredible array of digital products.
Mike is a regular columnist
for the International Journal of Coaching in Organizations, as well
as holding memberships in a number of professional associations.
Certified in Spiral Dynamics Integral, Emotional Intelligence,
Myers-Briggs, The Reiss Profile of Motivational Sensitivity, and
professional coaching; Mike continues to sharpen the saw
through learning activities around the world.
Remember this picture (Shanghai at Night) and
think where the center of where the world will be!

Recent projects include:
Mike is
available for speaking, consulting
and media engagements
Mike's Daughters:
Ali &
Katy Publications:
Virtual Books:

Coach2 The Bottom Line:“An Executive Guide to Coaching
Performance, Change and Transformation in Organizations;”

RightACTION-RightRESULTS? “A Strategic Leadership System for
Discovering and Operationalizing What Really Matters;”

COACHING as a Transformational Leadership Competency;

For The Soul: Creating Personal Resilience By Design

Focused Developmental Coaching Systems
Upping the Downside:
64 Strategies for Creating Professional Resilience
Coach of Many Colors: the CosMos Coaching Model
Emergenics: How to Solve More Problems Than You Create
In process:
Engagement: Navigating leadership complexity in uncommon
Flawless Living: TBA
Coaching Business Resilience: Creating Sustainable Business
Models & Practices
Training Programs:
Spring 2005 | Client Effectiveness
2005 | Chief Coaching Officer?
Oct/Nov 2003
| Coach to the Bottom Line
Dec/Jan 2004
| Selecting Coaches for the Right Results
Feb/Mar 2004
| Small Dose Learning
Apr/May 2004
| Design Conversations NOT Change
Jun 2004
| Leveraging Executive Coaching
2004 | Is There a Right Way to Coach?
Aug 2004 | A
Case for Coaching?
Sep 2004
| Integral Mapping System: ISIS
2004 | Healthy Values Conflict: The Final Four Game
2004 | Fifth Element: Capability
Dec 2004 |
After Action Review |
Fee-Based Premium Newsletters through
On The Professional
Dynamic Inquiry
Optimull Path
of Resilience
Leadu News
Teledevelop News
On The
Professional Edge
CPR Udpate
Interview/Membership Sites:
Executive Coaching Club
Follow Me To A
Million 1
Coach Plus
Mike Jay in the News:
ValuSync on Indian Television
Amazon ListMania
Outsourcing as only a beginning...
Small Dose Learning
4th Annual Fast Company Fast 50